Thursday, May 16, 2013

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

 By James Vickary

The Holy Grail is the sole focal point in this film. The grail diary by whom his father has trouble holding onto throughout the film is very important as well. I am going to talk about the sequence in Venice where Indiana and Marcus travel to Venice, Italy to meet Elsa. Indiana was introduced to Marcus Brody as a source of donating his previous Cross to his museum. Elsa is Dr. Henry’s estranged co-worker and sort of colleague within his travels. Indiana is on the mission though. He tries to not get distracted by Elsa’s great looks and suspicious ways. Indiana has received his father’s diary and goes to the library in Venice with Elsa and Marcus. His father’s diary is the best given information has as to where the grail might be. There are some missing pieces to the puzzle though. The diary gives only a little bit of information to its whereabouts.
Therefore Indiana must travel and bring the diary with him in search for more clues about where the Grail is. The importance of the library is finding the first crusade with the missing tombstone piece which leads to more discoveries. I find that it is important with whom Indiana makes his discoveries with. He travels with Elsa beneath the library in the sewage with rats and makes his way. But later on Elsa deceives Indiana and sides with the Nazis. I think it is important to evaluate Elsa’s existence in Indiana’s life. She basically uses him as a love interest as he is lured to take her to find more clues as to where the the grail might be. The discovery of the tombstone and the first crusader are short lived though. They get into more trouble as Marcus isn’t a very good lookout and the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword chase Indiana and Elsa underneath the library. Kazim the leader of the brotherhood sets fire so that Indiana and Elsa cannot escape. They eventually escape in a speedboat and flea from the brotherhood in a close escape. The enemies boats are destroyed. One boat being crushed between two bigger ships. I think this sequence plays a very valuable role when looking at the big picture. The big picture being the holy grail. We see the diary being used, the secret Nazi informant being used, and the tombstone from the first crusade being utilized as well. These people and objects help drive the story forward. The diary is such a huge symbolic piece in the film though. It’s whereabouts are extremely important and the delicacy of its condition is crucial. It is stolen, being as a gift, won back, and tossed around in so many ways. The diary is a key piece to unlocking the secrets of where the holy grail is and its dangers within. I think George Lucas wrote it as if the diary is a safe keeper. When so many things are going on in the story, it is always reverted back to the diary for reference. Whether it is in Henry’s hand, Indiana’s hand, or the Nazi’s hands. The diary is the centerpiece for driving the last crusade deeper into its importance. These are important sequences because they show content and tone. They show discoveries and hints as to where the story might lead. It is always good to look at what you have and then to use what you have and look ahead. All this leads to the finding of the holy grail. They eventually get their with the brotherhood and Elsa. After some trial and tribulation, Henry ends up getting shot. Indiana cures it by the water he drinks from the right cup. Lucas wrote this as a thrilling adventure. He would want their to be drastic explosions, cool special effects of the last crusade, and high speed boat chases. It is important to realize his use of objectivity to allow each character to suffer and overcome struggle in their own way. With the diary being the driving point of the story, the rest is an adventure to the grail. As you watch, you wonder. Where is the grail at? Will the diary solve the next clue? Will they get the diary back? Will the Nazi’s kill Indiana and Dr. Jones. While secretly she is working with the Nazi’s as an undercover personnel as she works Indiana’s weaknesses. Whether it is the sequence or the characters in a sequence, we see people changing as the plot changes too. It is important to see what is going on in Indiana’s head so that the audience will have an understanding of why he has made a decision and what he stands for. These sequences are important landmarks in the movie. They help establish genre, tone, character development, and plot details. I think that Indiana thrives in these sequences and learns from his mistakes. Indiana must overcome obstacles in order to better himself, to help his dad, and to come out victorious. Indiana Jones is the national hero of adventurous films.
These are the questions the audience asks ourselves while intently watching this film. Sequences like the library tombstone, the holy grail camouflaged bridge walk, and the opening sequence where young Indiana retrieves the cross from the thieves are all important to help drive the story forward. Of course all these sequences come with plenty of action, but its significance is outstanding. Indiana retrieves the stolen cross because it was the right thing to do. He said that it belonged in a museum. With this sequence we see Indiana stepping up from being a boy to a young man and stealing the cross from the thieves because it was the right thing to do. He was a hero, so he thought. By that situation though, we see Indiana as a good person. We see that he is more of the heroic good guy rather than an evil villain. With his instances with Elsa we see Indiana fall for her as she suckers him in to believing that she is innocent and doing the right thing.

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